Request a New Password

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Request a New Password

  1. E-Mail Address - Enter your NetFile User e-mail address.
  2. Submit - Click the Submit button. The system sends an e-mail message with further instructions. If you do not receive the e-mail with a link to receive your new password within 15 minutes:
    1. Check your spam or junk mail folder. If the e-mail with your new password is in your spam or junk mail folder, you should add our support e-mail address to your e-mail program's whitelist or list of approved e-mail addresses. For information on how to add an e-mail address to your e-mail program's whitelist or approved e-mail list, contact your network administrator or in-house technical support department.
    2. If the e-mail with the link to receive your new password is not in your spam or junk mail folder, contact NetFile's Technical Support department at .

Important: SEI users with an "@bogus.zzz" e-mail address cannot use this feature and must contact their agency for their password.

New Password Request Form

Enter and submit your NetFile User e-mail address to request a new password.



Use this feature if you need to receive a new system-generated password.

Important: SEI users with a "@bogus.zzz" e-mail address cannot use this feature and must contact their agency.

Submit your NetFile User e-mail address to request a new password.

The system sends an e-mail to you with further instructions.

How To Video

How to use the "Lost Your Password?" Feature